How to promote with ppv networks strategies

  • 1. How To Promote With PPV Network Strategies by Jean-Francois Gemme | on May 15, 2013PPV Networks Strategies For AnyonePPV advertising or pay per view advertising targets an audiences who are already predisposed to looking atyour ad.They have already agreed to download a piece of software, an ebook, or information along with varying adsof some connection to the subject at hand.These people are not too concerned with downloading such items as they either are up to speed on theirsecurity, or they don’t particularly care. Marketers with the idea to promote with ppv networks connections isan ever popular, rising strategy for new promotion.Running an ad campaign that aims to promote with PPV Networks strategies implications is an excellent wayto get your product or service in front of a fairly targeted market for promoting specific items or for a CPAcampaign.PPV advertising with Trafficvance is one of my favorite “secret weapon”… Altough I have better conversionswith other sources I prefer this one because it is more of an “auto-pilot” kind of advertising strategy and it’smore stable!So far with Trafficvance I have invested $1,827 as you can seein the image below and I have made $3,425 in sales… Whichmake a 187% return on the investment!But it’s more a 200%+ return (in other word: I double mymoney…) because out of the $1,827 there is a $320 that was
  • 2. spent in the last 2 or 3 weeks and the more than $3,000 of the sales were already cashed before that lastcampaign…As you’ll also see in the picture below, I’m paying a little less then $0.04/Impression or click….I have a Bonus for you…. keep on reading…LeadImpact and Media Traffic PPV Networks PPV Networks such as LeadImpact and Media Traffic have enjoyed long standing approval by users as proven traffic generators.It has been suggested that if someone is beginning in the PPV networks advertising market, that they chooseeither LeadImpact or Media Traffic as a platform as they tend to generate steady and quality traffic.This will give the beginner valuable experience and know how as to howall of this works with a better than even chance of running a profitable campaign.
  • 3. DirectCPV PPV NetworksAnother possibility for people early in their experience is DirectCPV. Thisfirm tends to have less traffic, but it will be less likely to spend through the advertising budget so quickly andallow for more time to fine tune and tweak keywords and target URLs in order to maximize results.DirectCPV uses what is called interstitial advertising, which as opposed to popup ads, the ad appears on afull screen which will garner more attention and provides the elimination of the need for the advertiser to create their own landing page.Trafficvance – The Ultimate PPV Networks Trafficvance is considered to be the top of the heap of the PPV networks, so they also are the most expensive.They require a minimum deposit of $1,000 as compared to $200 to $500 for others.They also require a referral by someone in their network that is spending at least $50 per day with them.They do however, generate the highest volume of traffic and are said to have the best customer service….…And here comes the Bonus!!! If you join our movement NOW you can use my referral to Trafficvance!!!! If you’re already a member of our movement, get in touch with me so we can figure out something….Advertisers that use their skills to promote with PPV Networks are finding a very profitable source to advertise.The market has not been saturated yet by the big players, so pricing has not yet been inflated beyond normalpricing.Tuesday Daily Assignments#1 Now!!! you HAVE to take actions…1. Click here right now!2. Place your best email!3. Click to verify and discover the shocking truth!#2 Activate your payment system inside your backoffice…#3 Write a minimum of 1 blog post each day and syndicate each blog post…#4 Market daily following directions within the 3rd core commitment…#5 Execute a new partner coaching every time someone join your team…#6 Pay attention to the replay from the last Empower Network Hour… Dial in: +1 209-255-1049 Access code: 498575#7 Listen Daily to an Strenghtening audio not less than 1 hour…#8 Read Daily a Strenghtening book not less than 30 minutes…
  • 4. #9 Set your Intention and intend on attending the next Event#10 Perform your everyday DISCO#11 Take a look at that other post concerning how to perform your everyday DISCO through your DailyMethod of Operation#12 Take a look at this website concerning how to OtherKeywordInPostTo learn more about How To Promote With PPV Networks Strategies: Click here-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-How To Promote With PPV Networks StrategiesThis entry was posted in Empower NetworkTags: DirectCPV, How To Promote With PPV Network Strategies, Internet Business Developpment, InternetMarketing, LeadImpact, Marketing, Media Traffic, PPV advertising, PPV Network Strategies, TrafficvanceAbout The Author: Jean-Francois Gemme It is my vision to create a life of freedom through improving the well-being and quality of life for everyone, formyself and my family. I know that through our community, we become contributing parts of agreater whole. Learn more about our Movement throught --> Deciding To Join And MakeMoney NOW <--

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