PPV Advertising Guide made Easy

  • 1. Familiarizing Yourself with the PPV Target Audience Pay per view advertising is interesting, in part, because you’re presenting offers to a unique audience type. The people who’ll be viewing your ads have all agreed to download the PPV Company’s Adware. While you can’t read too much into this fact, it does have an impact on the way one should approach the practice.What do you know about the audience for your ads? Obviously, you have some idea about them based upon the search queries they’ll be making or the URLs they’ll be visiting. You know something else, too. They agreed to download the software that shows them your advertisements in exchange for some inducement.Think about what that means about this particular audience, compared to other audiences you may approach with different advertising strategies.
  • 2. You know that these people are willing to download items from third parties.That indicates that their either incredibly tech savvy and comfortable in their computer security and protections or, as is more often the case, they’re just not that concerned about bringing in third party materials. Either they don’t realize the potential for risk or they don’t care. In either case, you know that you’re putting an offer in front of people who will click a “download now” link.If you know a little about the PPV Company with whom you’re doing business, you’ll also know what kind of inducement probably led them to become a part of the PPV user base. You’ll know what they wanted badly enough to accept the software. Some PPV companies “recruit” by offering free game access to its members. The fact that someone is willing to download third party ad-serving software in exchange for a free video game should tell you something about his or her interests and habits.When you think about facts like these, it’s not surprising to discover that PPV advertisers tend to have the best luck with CPA offers that require the completion of quick, small forms in order to secure payment and list-building offers that provide users with free information in exchange for their email address and permission to contact them with future mailings.It’s also not surprising to learn that offers premised on showing people a sales page for a product don’t tend to do as well. It wouldn’t be fair to characterize PPV audiences as collections of tire-kickers, but they definitely trend away from being immediate buyers.Before you start building PPV campaigns based on these assessments, it’s important to recognize their limits. You can’t assume that the kind of observations we just made our universally true. That’s because there are exceptions to every rule. There are older potential customers who’ll be happy to pull out their credit cards in response to a good offer who also have an interest in video games. You can’t assume that all members of a PPV company’s user base built on game freebies are kids. Additionally, it’s important to remember that most computers are used by a number of house hold members. One may have installed the adware, but others may then see the ads.It’s important to understand the general composition of PPV audiences. That information can help you create winning campaigns. However, it’s also important to recognize that those generalizations aren’t wholly accurate in all situations and that there is room for profitable campaigns that don’t “fit”the larger model.

  • 3. Why You Should Use Pay Per View AdvertisingPay Per View (PPV) advertising is developing a large fan club. That’s nothappening by accident, either. There are a number of reasons to adore this potentially high-profit means of marketing. Let’s examine three of the reasons marketers from multiple niches are falling in love with PPV.Limited Competition. At one time, Pay per Click advertising was the cashcow of the day. It was possible to secure traffic at extremely low per clickprices and one could experience a staggering return on their ad spend investment with Adwords and other PPC options.Then, something happened. Word of the method’s profit potential spread and advertisers rushed into the PPC market. The increased level of competition bumped bid prices and made it much more difficult to experience those previously easy profits.PPV is relatively new. It isn’t yet overrun with advertisers and there are still wonderful bargain opportunities for many wildly popular keywords and URLs.It’s open season in PPV country and once again, marketers are finding greatways to generate awesome ROIs.Will it last forever? Maybe not. Our experience with PPC tells us that thereis time and space available right now to make substantial profits in the field,however. In a few years, PPV may become as competitive as PPC. Right now, one can find “easy pickings.”
  • 4. URL Targeting. PPV advertising allows you to bid on keywords used aspart of search queries, much in the same manner as PPC. It also providesan additional option. You can bid on the actual URLs surfers may opt tovisit. It’s hard to overestimate how valuable that unique wrinkle can be.You can choose to display your offers when people visit your competitor’ssites! You can opt to serve your ads in ideal situations. You’re not justhoping that you hit upon “buying keywords”, you can actually target realbuying pages.Smart PPV advertisers make URL bidding the centerpiece of their campaigns.They find the right contexts in which to present their offers and bid on thoseURLs. The results can be staggering. When you put the right offer in theright place, it’s possible to generate amazing outcomes that beat anythingyou can hope to imagine with straight keyword bidding.Limited Restrictions. If you’ve been involved with PPC advertising, youknow how annoying it can be to work in a very restrictive environment.Take Google’s mega-popular Adwords program, the undisputed king of PPC.The content of your ads is tightly regulated. Your landing pages arescrutinized and assigned arbitrary “quality scores” that influence campaignpricing. They don’t like affiliate offers. They don’t like bridge pages. Theywon’t allow ads in many niches.PPC isn’t like that. You can create the offers you want and you don’t need toworry about being hamstrung by a serious of unnecessary regulations andrestrictions.Those are just three of the many reasons why many marketers love PPV.It’s a marketing option that provides great potential.
  • 5. Why PPV Advertising is Perfect for Affiliate MarketersAffiliate marketers are falling in love with Pay Per View (PPV) advertising.They were once thoroughly committed to Pay Per Click (PPC) options, butthey’re now discovering that a better relationship may be waiting for themwith PPV companies.There are many reasons for this new-found appreciation. Let’s outline twoof the biggest factors.First, PPV allows marketers to link directly to affiliate offers. Most of the PPCoptions out there--and almost all of those capable of generating anysubstantial traffic--are very restrictive in that respect. If you want to seeyour Google Adwords account suspended, just try to direct link to aClickbank offer, for instance.PPV companies don’t mind direct linking. They’ll allow you to put thataffiliate offer in front of visitors without an intermediary landing page. If youwant to direct link, that’s your business.There are some good arguments in favor of using landing pages instead ofdirect linking in many cases. However, there are marketers who wouldprefer to direct link and there are situations in which that’s the mostprofitable course of action. PPV makes it possible to take advantage ofthose situations. That makes it particularly attractive to affiliates who aretired of grappling with the restrictions inherent in most PPC programs.Second, any affiliate marketer who’s logged more than one sale in his or herlife will tell you that traffic is a good thing. They’ll also tell you that targetedtraffic is a great thing. It’s not just a matter of getting people to look at anoffer. It’s about getting the right people to look at the right offer.Search engine traffic is widely considered hyper-targeted. So is PPC traffic.Neither can measure up to the level of precision targeting offered by PPV,however.PPV allows you to target something other than keywords in hopes of bringingthose ideal visitors to your site. You can also bid on specific URLs. When aPPV network member visit’s a URL upon which you’ve placed a bid, the PPVcompany will serve your ad.
  • 6. That creates unrivaled targeting opportunities. You can opt to put your landing page or affiliate offers in front of people who are spending time on competitors’ sites or who are visiting specific pages that evidence an exceedingly strong likelihood that the individual would be interested in your particular product or service.You can uncover the URLs that get ideal traffic for your offers and bid on them, giving you a chance to deal with the right people at the right time.Those are just two of the reasons why many affiliates are becoming more active in the realm of PPV advertising. The less restrictive environment that allows direct linking and the opportunity to uncover highly targeted streams of traffic makes it a hard option to ignore.
  • 7. Unique Benefits of Pay per View AdvertisingPay Per View (PPV) advertising offers some very unique advantages thatother methods of promotion just can’t rival. When you consider thesebenefits, it’s easy to see why PPV is rapidly gaining ground among marketersacross many different niches. Let’s look at three of the things you can dowith PPV that make it special.Direct Linking to Affiliate Offers. Many affiliate marketers appreciate thefact that they can directly link to offers via PPV. That’s something you can’tdo with most popular Pay Per Click advertising options.Google Adwords, the number one PPC option, is a perfect example. Youcan’t link directly to affiliate offers. In fact, it seems like Adwords is actuallytilting against affiliate marketers. In any case, they’re going to require youto have a landing page. Furthermore, that landing page will need to meettheir arbitrary quality standards.With PPV, you can funnel traffic directly to the affiliate offer, avoiding theinevitable loss of traffic that occurs during the intermediary step. Whilethere are strong arguments to be made for using a landing page with PPV,there are situations where you will be better off with direct linking. Thosesituations are ideally suited for PPV.Specific URL Targeting. PPV advertising allows you to do more than bidon keywords. That is an option--and it’s often a good one--but it isn’t youronly choice. You can also bid on individual URLs. When a user visits one ofthose targeted URLs, the PPV Company serves your ad.That provides a fantastic opportunity to smart marketers who are willing todiscover the right URLs. You can opt to serve your ad in idea contexts. It’sa way of advertising “on the competition’s turf” or to put perfectlycomplimentary offers “together.”The most effective PPV campaigns inevitably involve extensive URLtargeting. It’s a strategy with amazing profit potential and it’s basicallyunique to PPV options.Easier Offer Rotation and Testing. Any experienced and successfulmarketing will tell you that the three keys to success are testing, testing and

  • 8. testing. You need to do more than put campaigns together. You need totest them, tweak them and adjust them for maximum effectiveness.PPV makes testing easy. Consider offer rotation. You can opt to haveseveral different offers or landing pages served to prospects automatically.You can then track the results, determining which are performing well andwhich need to be abandoned.The amount of statistical information generated with PPV and the ease withwhich you can make adjustments based on that information are unparalleledin other marketing environments. That’s a strong reason to investigate PPV.Those are just three of many reasons why people love PPV. It offers a series of unique benefits, providing you with an opportunity to do things you can’t do in other venues.

  • 9. Not All PPV Companies Are Created EqualYou can’t assume that a PPV campaign conducted through one company willyield similar results if you should opt to try it with another. Different PPVcompanies can yield wildly different results. Let’s look at why we can’tgeneralize across companies and the impact this fact should have on theway you conduct your business.First, different companies recruit their user bases in different ways. As aresult, they produce radically different audiences that may have verydifferent buying and response habits. While one company may convincepeople to download their adware in exchange for a free video game, anothermay “recruit” with savings opportunities on consumer items. While much ofthose two groups may overlap, their overall character would be quitedifferent. Thus, an offer that might appeal to one company’s user base mayfall on deaf ears when presented to another.Second, PPV is a numbers game. Finally, results and their profitability canonly be determined after a great deal of repetition. Thus, even smallalterations in the value of key variables can have a significant overall impactafter thousands upon thousands of incidences. No two PPV companies willyield identical bid prices across all URLs or keywords. Those variations inpricing will produce significantly different results.Third, different companies have different rules regarding the presentation ofadvertisements. Some are served exclusively as pop-unders. Others mayutilize popovers. The size of the ads may vary, as well. Those differencesmay seem slight, at first glance. However, when we multiply the distinctionsout over several thousand views, differences in results will inevitably begin to emerge.

  • 10. So, what works extremely well at TrafficVance may flop at Zango. We can’t safely assume that a successful or unsuccessful campaign conducted through one service will yield similar results with another.What does this mean in terms of your business?Initially, it justifies experimenting with multiple companies in an effort to discover the most profitable PPV option. Additionally, it reminds us to be cautious in assuming the scalability of any one campaign across multiple platforms.If you’re only working with one option and you aren’t getting the desired results, it may make sense to try your PPV strategy with one or two other companies before giving up on it. Otherwise, you could be passing on a profitable campaign.If you have a successful campaign, you shouldn’t pop the cork on your champagne the moment you decide to expand your reach via an additional company. Your winning PPV campaign could be a complete dud when moved to another service.The bottom line: PPV companies are different and they produce different results. Assuming that “they’re all the same” is a mistake that could have a significant negative impact on your marketing business.
  • 11. Heard Negative Things About PPV Advertising?Not everyone loves pay per view (PPV) advertising. In fact, some people really don’t like it one bit. While there may be some legitimate arguments against the use of PPV in some circumstances, many of the criticisms leveled against it just don’t hold up to any level of scrutiny. Those who claim that PPV participation risks so-called “negative branding” are a perfect example of those not-so-persuasive arguments against PPV.The negative branding argument is based on the assumption that people just don’t like popunders, which is how most PPV companies serve their ads. The critics maintain that consumers view these ads as sneaky, intrusive or“spammy” and that being associated with the practice is more likely to turnpeople against your brand than it is to transform them into payingcustomers.While there are undoubtedly cases where intrusive ads could “turn peopleoff”, that argument really doesn’t apply very well to PPV. There are anumber of reasons why PPV advertisers don’t need to worry about negativebranding.First, the people who are on the receiving end of PPV ads aren’t necessarily representative of the general public who has negative sentiments about popunders. PPV audiences actively agreed to receive the ads. There’s a big difference between being shocked to see that your browser is surreptitiouslyopening new windows with advertisements and knowing it’s going to happenbecause you made a conscious decision to allow it.Second, critics fail to recognize the fact that any negative feelings associated with the method of advertisement delivery can be nullified by the actualcontent of the marketing message.In other words, people may not like popunders, but they sure as heck love a great deal. If you’re putting a fantastic offer in front of them, they’re not going to spend a great deal of time sneering at the fact you delivered it via aPPV popunder. McLuhan’s “the medium is the message” only extends so far.The actual message does have an impact.Third, it’s all but impossible to measure the idea of negative branding. How much impact will exposing a PPV audience to ads really have in terms of one’s overall brand and, more importantly, how much will that matter in
  • 12. terms of the bottom line? You can’t really say. You can, however, quickly determine that a $1,000 PPV ad spend can yield $1,350 in new business, for instance. When the bottom line shows a real profit, that should probably take precedence over a theoretical instance of slight brand degradation.Those are just three of the many reasons why PPV advertisers should sleep soundly instead of pacing the floors worrying about their brands every night.The negative branding is one of those PPV criticisms that sounds interesting on its face but that falls apart when closely analyzed. The Many Ways to Use PPV Advertising Pay Per View (PPV) advertising is gaining in popularity. In large measure,that’s due to the flexibility it offers relative to other options. Marketers are discovering that they can do more with PPV and that they can do it without being forced to hack their way through miles of procedural red tape and restrictive rules.PPV’s primary competition comes from Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. More specifically, it comes from the number one PPC option, Google’s Adwords program. While there are many other PPC programs, Adwords gets the most attention and has the most potential to deliver significant levels of traffic.Adwords can work well, too. People have made fortunes marketing their products and services with Adwords. However, it’s been getting tougher and tougher to create profitable campaigns in that environment.That’s because Adwords has become increasingly restrictive over time.Marketers are limited in their ability to direct link to affiliate offers. Google has set up landing page quality guidelines that will influence bid pricing. If you run afoul of those guidelines, you might even lose your account. You need to structure your ads according to Adwords’ rules and limitations. You can’t promote some products. The list goes on and on and on. And it seems to get longer with each passing month.When you combine that increased regulation with an increasingly crowded market space, it’s easy to see why some people are souring on PPC. It’s also easy to see why PPV is such an attractive alternative.PPV companies take a different approach to their advertisers. They provide more flexibility and room for experimentation than their PPC counterparts do. It’s a looser environment and that is very attractive to many marketers.
  • 13. PPV companies will allow marketers to direct link to affiliate offers. That can create some uniquely profitable opportunities in certain niches and with some specific options. Those opportunities aren’t accessible with the PPC alternative. PPV doesn’t require specific landing page guidelines to be met, in most cases. The companies do have terms of service and rules about certain elements of ad presentation, but they’re far less onerous than what you’d encounter with Adwords. PPV participants have more leeway in terms of message construction and more freedom in terms of product and service offerings.When you look at the big picture, it’s easy to see why so many people are hopping aboard the PPV train. Pay Per View advertising offers unparalleled flexibility and more room of the kind of creative exploration that can produce high-profit breakthroughs.If you’re growing tired of the fine print, restrictions and increasingly conservative world of PPC advertising, it makes sense to explore your PPV options. You may just find a better way to do your marketing.
  • 14. Pay Per View vs. Pay Per Click: The Advantages Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising has become the de facto preference of thosewho want fast influxes of traffic and who aren’t interested in wrestling with high-effort search engine optimization in order to get it. A PPC campaign can produce a profitable flow of reasonably targeted traffic in a heartbeat.PPC’s status as a favorite may be in jeopardy, however. Pay Per View (PPV)advertising is proving itself to be a tremendous option and it offers some benefits that PPC just can’t provide.One of the big advantages of PPV is the lower level of overall competition. PPC has been gaining ground for a long time and is incredibly well known. It seems like everyone from Fortune 500 companies to grannies with blogs about their house cats have dipped their toes into the PPC waters.It’s become harder than ever to find bargain keywords upon which to bid and if you do discover an opening, it doesn’t take long for others to hop on board.That’s not the case with PPV. While it would be an exaggeration say that PPV is flying “under the radar,” it doesn’t get the kind of attention that PPCand its high-visibility flagship program, Google Adwords, does.As a result, the field is less crowded and it’s still possible to find great opportunities for campaigns that can generate staggering ROIs. Many have compared the state of today’s PPV marketplace with the high-profit “glory days” that put PPC on the map several years ago. Those who cashed in on PPC “back in the day” can tell you just how lucrative being in the right place at the right time can be!Additionally, PPV is less restrictive than PPC. The major PPC programs makea number of demands on advertisers. There are restrictions in terms of ad content and construction. There are landing page requirements and arbitrary quality assessments that influence keyword bid prices. There are limits on what you can promote and how you can do it. If you’re an affiliate,you’re often prohibited from direct linking to offers. There’s a great deal ofred tape with which to content.That isn’t a factor with PPV. In most cases, PPV companies will give you more latitude to “do your thing.” More flexibility means more profit potential
  • 15. and more room for the kind of creative explorations that can produce those big wins.If you’re tired of playing by an increasingly lengthy rulebook, you might want to consider PPV as an alternative to your existing PPC efforts. At the very least, you’ll want to experiment with PPV as part of your overall approach.PPC isn’t disappearing any time soon, but PPV does offer a few impressive advantages over Adwords and similar programs. The less crowded market space produces more bargain opportunities and the less restrictive environment can make it easy to develop high-profit campaigns with PPV. Why URL Targeting With PPV Is A Win- Win Situation Unless you’ve been isolated in a remote mountain hideout for quite sometime, you’ve probably caught wind of the growing popularity of Pay Per View(PPV) advertising. Marketers in many different niches are discovering that they can experience amazing returns on their ad spend investments with PPV.One of the reasons for the upswing in PPV use is the fact that it gives people a unique opportunity to target more than keywords. Sure, you can set it ups o that your ad is displayed when members of the PPV network make specific searches. However, you can also create campaigns based on URLs.Basically, you can set up your campaigns so that the PPV company serves up your offer when the users visit particular URLs. You bid on those URLs just like you would keywords in a Pay Per Click environment. This increased functionality creates some wonderful profit opportunities. Consider just a handful of the possibilities.
  • 16. Imagine being able to show visitors to your competitor’s sales page with your own counter-offer. Think about how that might be able to boost your sales numbers!What kind of results could you get by presenting a great complimentary or supplemental offer on a popular site’s actual order page? Is your mouthwatering at the thought?We all know that traffic is good and that targeted traffic is great. Think about the ways you could round up optimally targeted traffic by bidding on specific pages that would only be visited by your ideal prospects. People like to claim that PPC and search traffic is targeted, but they can’t hold a candle to what you can get with PPV!Think about how many different relevant URLs there are within your niche and how easy it would be for you to find and long them. Now consider the fact that you may be the only person in the wide world of PPV bidding on those particular URLS--allowing you to secure some of the best possible traffic for a fraction of what you’d pay for less-targeted keyword traffic with PPC advertising. Pretty exciting, isn’t it?URL targeting sets PPV apart from other advertising options. When handled correctly, it kicks open doors of opportunity that other forms of advertising don’t even approach.If you’re looking for a way to take your online business to a new level and to secure the best possible traffic by positioning your offers in optimal contexts,you simply must explore the potential of Pay Per View advertising.PPV is more than URL targeting, but that facet of the process creates a whole new dimension of profitability for savvy marketers. If you’re not using PPV to your advantage, you should make a point of getting started as soon as possible.
  • 17. Enhancing PPV Results With Great Landing Pages Many marketers experiment with Pay Per View (PPV) advertising, at least in part, because it gives them a chance to direct link to affiliate offers withoutbeing forced to show prospective buyers an intermediary landing page.That’s something you can’t do with Adwords and many PPC options. In fact,Adwords actually requires more than just “a” landing page--it mandates alanding page that measures up to Google’s arbitrary quality assessments.There is something attractive about being able to show affiliate offers toprospects without the hassle of creating a quality landing page. If you canfunnel traffic directly to an offer without losing a percentage at the landingpage level, it can create an extremely profitable campaign.However, PPV advertisers may want to look beyond simplicity to overallprofit potential. When used correctly, a good landing page can actuallyimprove one’s final numbers. That’s true for at least two reasons.First, it creates an opportunity for the marketer to build his or her own list.When you’re sending traffic directly to an offer, you miss the chance tosecure email addresses for follow-up marketing and greater long-term value.Marketing instructors have been screaming, “The money is in the list” for along time. That’s because it’s 100% true. Using a landing page gives you ashot at building a responsive, profitable list.You may not make as much immediate money from your campaigns, but thelong-term earnings will more than make up for that. You’ll have the chanceto put offers in front of receptive audiences again and again.Second, you can use landing pages as a pre-sell for the subsequent affiliate offer. Many marketers find that taking the time to “warm up” prospects and to put them in a frame of mind that will be responsive to the eventual sales pitch improves conversion rates enough to more than make up for the percentage of visitors who bail out of the landing page without ever seeing the offer. If you can build the right landing page, it will actually multiply the effectiveness of the affiliate offer.Those two reasons are strong votes in favor of using landing pages.However, it is important to note that the best way to find the most profitable

  • 18. route is via testing. One may opt to rotate their offers in order to find out what’s working best with respect to a specific campaign.In the end, the fact that you have options is proof positive of PPV’s value to marketers.PPV is a great method of advertising because it affords so much flexibility.Those who’ve been longing for a direct linking opportunity as part of their affiliate marketing efforts will love it. So will those who know how to use well-built landing pages to increase their overall profitability.